4. Platform Features

4.1 Earn Section

Status Bar

  • Global Rank: Displays the user’s rank relative to others based on their balance.

  • Level Indicator: Increases with balance growth, unlocking new features.

  • Mining Per Hour (MPH): Shows the user's earnings per hour, both online and offline, through the mining feature.

Main Clicker

  • Total Balance: Displays the user’s accumulated points or coins.

  • Clicker Functionality: A clickable button allowing users to generate points. Each click adds to the total balance.

  • Gas Meter: Indicates how many taps are left before refilling is required.

  • Marketplace Button: Quick access to the marketplace for purchasing items that enhance the user experience.

Stack Game

  • Gameplay: Users stack blocks to earn additional points.

  • Ticket Requirement: Tickets are required to play, obtainable via quests or purchase.

  • Boosters & Enhancements: Available in the marketplace to increase tap value, gas limits, and stack points.

Last updated